Right, Wrong, or Different?

Topic: How Can Societies Recover After War/Conflict? Examining Restorative Approaches

Register: Click here to register https://go.gmu.edu/iewrwd

Program Date: Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Time: 6:00pm-8:00pm (EST)

Location: Merten Hall, Room 1203 (Fairfax Campus)

Description: Restorative practices can have many different meanings in different cultures around the world. For example, restorative can be interpreted as bringing back pre-war dynamics and the status quo. On the other hand, restorative can be seen as moving away from the dilemmas of the past and mapping out social and political approaches that build peace, resilience, and post-conflict reconciliation at all levels of engagement. Young people, making up the majority of the post-conflict demographic, have a large stake in the future. Adults, on the other hand, can often cling to the values and practices of the past. Within the gaps, and alternative values, lies the hope for the future. During this interactive program we will explore the roadblocks and the great potential of restorative approaches in post-conflict societies around the world.

Additional Information: Dinner will be provided to all Mason participants who register in advance and attend.

Trauma Informed Restorative Practice


General Information about Right, Wrong or Different? Programs:

We invite all Mason students to join the interactive dialogue with other Mason students and faculty, to explore how culture—our own and others’—affects how we perceive, interact, and lead. Since fall 2013 the LEAD Office (now the Center for Leadership and Intercultural Engagement: CLIE) and International Programs and Services have co-hosted the co-curricular event "Right, Wrong or Different?" This program is designed to bring together international and domestic students for conversations across difference.

Do we all share certain values no matter where we come from? Does our culture determine right and wrong or do values cut across cultural differences? Are you sure where you stand, or does it depend? “Right, Wrong or Different?” is a co-curricular experience that allows for international and domestic students to participate in a discussion with Mason faculty members and other students about whether or not there are universal values/ethics. The program is designed to be interactive and engaging for students as they interact with one another and faculty members around extremely important global topics. Students will have an opportunity to participate in dialogue and discussion around diversityvalues and ethics. Students will have an opportunity to discover something new about themselves and others by challenging their own thought processes and beliefs.

Our "Right, Wrong or Different?" program has gained national attention and was selected as one of 14 programs from across the country to be a "best practice" for integrating international and domestic students by the University of Minnesota.

All Mason students are invited to participate, however please note that space is limited. Please be sure to register in advance. If necessary, students will be selected with the goal of achieving a wide diversity of cultural perspectives. This program is FREE. For more information please contact Nick Lennon, Director of the Center for Leadership and Intercultural Engagement (CLIE) at nlennon@gmu.edu or Yali Pan, Associate Director for Engagement and Assessment, International Programs and Services at ypan8@gmu.edu


Past Programs

Wednesday, November 15, 2023
Topic: "
Immigration: What Should Be Done About Human Smuggling?" with Professor Guadalupe Correa-Cabrera, PhD

Wednesday, February 22, 2023
"Global Lessons on Mass Shootings" with Professor Al Fuertes, PhD

Wednesday, November 16, 2021
Topic: "Are Countries Hoarding COVID-19 Vaccines? Should They Be?" with Professor Andrew Kilianski, PhD

Thursday, February 20, 2020
Topic: "Rapid Global Climate Change: Threat and/or Opportunity" with Professor Dann Sklarew, PhD

Thursday, March 21st, 2019
Topic: "Patriotism, Nationalism and Terrorism: Identity in a Time of Polarization" with Professor Supriya Baily, PhD

Monday, October 22, 2018
Topic: “Political Depolarization” in conjunction with the national non-profit Better Angels. Better Angels is an organization uniting those who are conservative and/or Republican-leaning with those who are progressive/Democratic-leaning in a working alliance to depolarize America (www.better-angels.org).

Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Topic: “What Does Your Country Teach About Its History?” with Professor Jenice View, PhD

Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Topic: “Global Perspectives on Free Speech” with Professor Emeritus Don Boileau, PhD

Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Topic: “New World Disorder: Journalism, Ethics and the Fake News Battle” with Professor Beth Jannery

Tuesday, November 2, 2016
“Global Perspectives on Healthy Relationships” with Nancy Xiong

Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Topic: “Poverty and Economic Justice: Is Equal Opportunity Really Equal?” with Professor Paul Gorski, PhD

Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Topic: “Displaced Populations Taking Refuge, What is the Right Thing to Do?” with Professor Al Fuertes, PhD

Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Topic: “In the Name of the Law: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Police Intervention” with Professor Richard Craig, PhD

Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Topic: “Values, Religion and Faith: How Do We Develop an Ethical Lens?” with LaShonda Anthony, PhD

Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Topic: “Ethical Dilemmas about Substance Addiction: Global Cultural Practices” with Professor Eric Shiraev, PhD

Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Topic: “Ethical Dilemmas and Gender: Inequality or Cultural practices?” with Professor Angela Hattery, PhD