With the help of many amazing colleagues, students, and educators, the LEAD Office is happy to share a virtual library of Ted Talks that focus on the following student learning domains:
- Practical Skills
- Global and Multicultural Inclusion
- Interpersonal Competence
- Social Responsibility
- Identity Development
- Well-Being
LEAD's Ted Talk Library is designed to share incredible Ted Talks from across the world focused around these student learning domains. We are constantly updating our digital library and encourage you to share any Ted Talk recommendations with us that focus around any one or more of these themes: leadership, global and multiculturalism, identity development, social responsibility, intersectionality, diversity and inclusion, systems of oppression, systemic barriers, sustainable service, mental health, LGBTQ+, community engagement, activism, and well-being.
Student Learning Domain: Practical Skills
The Student Learning Domain, practical skills focuses on critical thinking, communicating effectively, managing personal affairs, managing career development, and technological competence. After watching the videos, consider the following questions and reflect upon what you have just experienced.
- What is something new you learned?
- How has your viewpoint or thoughts either changed, been impacted, or stayed the same?
- What are some ways that you can take what you learned from this video and incorporate into your everyday life?
- What is one way that you could challenge yourself to make a positive change the world after watching this video?
How Great Leaders Inspire Action (Simon Sinek)
RSA Short: Brené Brown on Empathy
Why Winning Doesn’t Always Equal Success (Valorie Kondos Field)
How to Educate Leaders (Patrick Awuah)
A Blueprint for Diversity in the Workplace (Janet Stovall)
The Power of Believing You Can Improve (Carol Dweck)
Student Learning Domain: Global and Multicultural Inclusion
The Student Learning Domain, global and multicultural inclusion focuses on: understanding and appreciation for differences, understand and appreciate human differences, inclusive worldview, cultural interaction, and climate of mutual respect. After watching the videos, consider the following questions and reflect upon what you have just experienced.
- What is something new you learned?
- How has your viewpoint or thoughts either changed, been impacted, or stayed the same?
- What are some ways that you can take what you learned from this video and incorporate into your everyday life?
- What is one way that you could challenge yourself to make a positive change the world after watching this video?
Ways to be a Better Ally in the Workplace (Melinda Epler)
3 Ways to Speak English (Jamila Lyiscott)
The Danger of the Single Story (Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie)
Ted Talk: How to Build Community When You Feel Isolated (Chitra Aiyar)
My Immigration Story (Tan Le)
What It’s Like to be a Child of Immigrants (Michael Rain)
I’m Not Your Inspiration, Thank You Very Much (Stella Young)
Student Learning Domain: Interpersonal Competence
The Student Learning Domain, interpersonal competence focuses on: interdependence, collaboration, and leadership. After watching the videos, consider the following questions and reflect upon what you have just experienced.
- What is something new you learned?
- How has your viewpoint or thoughts either changed, been impacted, or stayed the same?
- What are some ways that you can take what you learned from this video and incorporate into your everyday life?
- What is one way that you could challenge yourself to make a positive change the world after watching this video?
The Power of Vulnerability (Brené Brown)
How to Manage for Collective Creativity (Linda Hill)
Why Some of Us Don’t Have a True Calling? (Emilie Wapnick)
Everyday Leadership (Drew Dudley)
The Power of Introverts (Susan Cain)
Ted Talk: How to Start a Movement (Derek Sivers)
Try Something New for 30 Days (Matt Cutts)
Grit, The Power of Passion and Perseverance (Angle Lee Duckworth)
Student Learning Domain: Social Responsibility
The Student Learning Domain, social responsibility focuses on: social justice, civic engagement, community leadership, allyship and advocacy, and social entrepreneurship . After watching the videos, consider the following questions and reflect upon what you have just experienced.
- What is something new you learned?
- How has your viewpoint or thoughts either changed, been impacted, or stayed the same?
- What are some ways that you can take what you learned from this video and incorporate into your everyday life?
- What is one way that you could challenge yourself to make a positive change the world after watching this video?
Every Kid Needs a Champion (Rita Pierson)
Me Too is A Movement Not A Moment (Tarana Burke)
Activism Needs Introverts (Sarah Corbett)
A Prosecutor’s Vision for a Better Justice System (Adam Foss)
What If Gentrification Was About Healing Communities Instead of Displacing Them? (Liz Ogbu)
How Economic Inequity Harms Societies (Richard Wilkinson)
Student Learning Domain: Identity Development
The Student Learning Domain, identity development focuses on: Self-understanding, values and ethics, spiritual awareness, resilience . After watching the videos, consider the following questions and reflect upon what you have just experienced.
- What is something new you learned?
- How has your viewpoint or thoughts either changed, been impacted, or stayed the same?
- What are some ways that you can take what you learned from this video and incorporate into your everyday life?
- What is one way that you could challenge yourself to make a positive change the world after watching this video?
Love is Love (Tiq and Kim Katrin)
The Urgency of Intersectionality (Kimberlé Crenshaw)
Bell Hooks and Laverne Cox Discuss "What is Feminism?"
Color Blind of Color Brave (Mellody Hobson)
My Identity is a Superpower, not an Obstacle (America Ferrera)
A Powerful Poem of What it Feels Like to be Transgender (Lee Mokobe)
#FreeTheFemme: The Asthetics of Survival (Hari Nef)
Student Learning Domain: Well-Being
The Student Learning Domain, well-being focuses on: psychological well-being, financial well-being, community well-being, physical well-being, purpose/career well-being, and social well-being. After watching the videos, consider the following questions and reflect upon what you have just experienced.
- What is something new you learned?
- How has your viewpoint or thoughts either changed, been impacted, or stayed the same?
- What are some ways that you can take what you learned from this video and incorporate into your everyday life?
- What is one way that you could challenge yourself to make a positive change the world after watching this video?